On June 20th, hundreds of Kentuckians from faith communities turned out to join the visiting Unitarian Universalist Association for their outdoor demonstration of concern for environmental issues.
Not only many congregations but also many organizations were there carrying banners and cheering on speakers such as Wendell Berry and Peter Morales.
The Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light organization served as the principal Kentucky partner for this event and the groups represented in the KCC's Care for Creation unit are indebted to them for helping us communicate with our own members about this opportunity.
The Kentucky Council of Churches was strongly present. In the photo you see the Rev. Doug Fowler helping KCC Executive Director Marian Taylor with our large banner. We also thank Rev. Mary Love who distributed our new bookmarks leading people to our creation care policy statement (see link above right).
In the crowd there were many conversations about the biblical and spiritual bases for concern about the harm caused by many human practices affecting nature. It is to be hoped that the size and tenor of this gathering will help the larger public see these issues as part and parcel of being Christian disciples.