Kentucky Council of Churches speaks out about the natural gas liquids pipeline issue

December 3, 2013

The Kentucky Council of Churches today released a statement about the controversial effort to transport natural gas liquids through Kentucky by means of one or more underground pipelines. The statement’s introduction says,

“We all, together and as individuals, have a moral duty to assess the impact of the proposed transport system on the health, safety and economic well-being of the people, flora and fauna of Kentucky, as well as present and future impacts on our land and water resources. To do this, we must take time to learn the facts, insist on a comprehensive environmental impact study, and guarantee authoritative oversight of any well-studied plan that may be approved.”

It concludes,

“We ask Kentucky legislators and the governor to create a siting board with oversight authority, and ask the Corps of Engineers and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to require an environmental impact statement in order to protect the public and our sacred water and land.” 

The full document is available at this link.