In scripture, the role of Barnabbas was crucial – he made sure Paul and Peter met each other and learned to work together. Please be “a Barnabbas” for relations among Christian traditions today. Or make sure your congregation cultivates a person for that role! Here are some good ways such a person can proceed:
- Help your faith community give an award from time to time for members who are engaged in ecumenical ministries or activism. Or sponsor an essay contest as a way to give an award to younger people!
- Find a way to mark the yearly Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The Council can always help with this, but it is also possible to order the annual materials through
- Keep concerns of the world church before the congregation/parish during spoken prayers of intercession is a good activity
- Explain Christian unity to the children, and help adult classes find ways to engage with other traditions.
Connect with other traditions through the KCC:
- Subscribe to the alert system of the KCC, respond to those alerts, and call them to the attention of the parish/congregation in appropriate ways. One registers for alerts at this link.
- Attend our annual assembly in October (call 859-269-7715 for registration details) and then report back in your church about something especially meaningful or pertinent from the assembly.
- Inform the Council about how to promote ecumenical spirit and action in your context.
- Plan a time annually to highlight the work of the Council.