The stewardship of God's magnificent creation is a vital ministry that calls upon all of us to join in and do our parts. Christian Church of Kentucky's Green Chalice has been in the forefront of this movement among Disciples, and has contributed a great deal to the Care for Creation network of the Kentucky Council of Churches.
Its ministry captured the attention of Disciples Home Missions President, the Rev. Dr. Ron Degges. As a result, Disciples Home Missions and the Christian Church In Kentucky have a formed a partnership. CCK's Green Chalice has become the official ministry for the Disciples' stewardship of creation movement through DHM. Rev. Carol Devine, CCK's Green Chalice Coordinator and new Editor of FRTM, will serve both the DHM and CCK staffs as the new "Minister for Green Chalice."
Dr. Degges recognition of the work of CCK's Green Chalice and his desire for DHM to partner with CCK through this ministry is high praise for all their efforts. It is also a tribute to the leadership Rev. Devine has provided Green Chalice. The Rev. Carol Devine
Contact Carol Devine for more information.
Well done, Green Chalice!